ODD EYE CIRCLE in Paris: KimLip, JinSoul and Choerry are back in the City of Lights

KimLip, Cherry and JinSoul have been performing all around Europe for their world tour and Paris was the last step of their Europe tour on August 11th.
As someone who had always liked their musics, being able to attend this show as a press photographer was an opportunity I was really looking forward to!
The show was held at the famous venue Salle Pleyel near the Arc de Triomphe. I’ve been there in the past as a regular audience member and I really like this venue for various reasons. First, the light settings are simply great and allow for many photography possibilities. Then, you get a huge screen standing in the back of the stage.
And to top it off, the space in front of the stage, reserved for us photographers, was large enough to accommodate all of us moving freely without ever disturbing each other nor the audience behind us.
Honestly everything was set so perfectly during this concert I was able to be fully focused on the three members performing their own solo songs from the LOONA’s era.
They were stunning on stage, KimLip doing « Eclipse » on the stage fully tainted in red, JinSoul submerging the entire venue in ocean blue for « Sing in the Rain » and Choerry bewitching the audience with her cuteness during « Love Cherry Motion ».
Their return to Europe was a huge success and all the fans left the final performance in Paris with a huge smile on their faces. I hope my photos will remind anyone who attended of some fond memories of that evening, and will manage to convey some of the mood to those who couldn’t make it.
Big thanks to KimLip, Choerry and JinSoul for the amazing show, and thank you to MyMusicTaste and MODHAUS Entertainment for their trust!
I wish to be able to share even more concert photography in a near future!
For now, please enjoy this photo series of ODD EYE CIRCLE!
See ya!
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ARTMS : @official_artms
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