DREAMCATCHER in Paris: back to concert photography

It’s been almost three years since I last had the chance to take any concert photography, the last time was in Tokyo in February 2020 – right before the COVID-19 pandemic occurred.
I have, however, finally decided after this two-years long break to try getting back into it. And so I’ve started contacting production companies again (mainly pertaining to the music industry and more specifically K-Pop), in order to get accreditations as an independent photographer.
And today, I’m really glad to share with you my first concert photo series since 2020, featuring none other than one of my favorite group: DREAMCATCHER!
This won’t be a live report in the same vein than the ones I used to write for BONJOUR IDOL, but I still want this short article to be a testimony of how amazing this concert was. The seven members offered both a wonderful and powerful show to their fans, filled with charisma and joy. Seeing members of a group enjoying themselves, having fun, on stage has always been one of my favorite thing to witness – and they sure did on this November 24th night.
I hope my photos will remind anyone who attended of some fond memories of that evening, and will manage to convey some of the mood to those who couldn’t make it.
I would like to thank MyMusicTaste and DREAMCATCHER Company for trusting me, and all of the staff members of Le Zenith for their welcome.
I wish to be able to share even more concert photography in a near future!
For now, please enjoy this photo series of DREAMCATCHER!
See you!
Follow them on SNS:
DREAMCATCHER : @Dreamcatcher
GAYEON : @fox._.zzlo_
HANDONG : @0.0_handong
SIYEON : @______s2ing
YOOHYEON : @ms.yoohyeonkim
DAMI : @00ld_ami
SUA : @sualelbora
JIU : @minjiu__u